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All you need to know about SEO : seo website

All you need to know about SEO : seo website

All you need to know about SEO : seo website

All you need to know about SEO If you are interested in writing content and seek to work in this field, there is no doubt that you have heard a lot about SEO, or what is known as English search engine optimization, or SEO. You may have tried to read about it, but you were surprised by the huge amount of information about this concept, which made you feel lost. Never mind, in today's article we will provide you with a comprehensive guide that answers all your questions about this concept in an easy and simple way. What is SEO? All you need to know about improvement

Search Engines SEO If you are interested in writing content and seek to work in this field, there is no doubt that you have heard a lot about SEO, or what is known as English search engine optimization, or SEO. You may have tried to read about it, but you were surprised by the huge amount of information about this concept, which made you feel lost. Never mind, in today's article we will provide you with a comprehensive guide that answers all your questions about this concept in an easy and simple way.

What is SEO? SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization, or “search engine optimization” and expresses practices that aim to increase and raise the quality of web traffic (the number of visits to a specific website), through unpaid search results on search engines, what is known as Organic Search Results Although the term is an acronym for "search engine optimization," the concept is more about people than search engines. It is about:

  1. Understand what users are searching for on the Internet.
  2. The answers they seek to find. 
  3. The words they use in their search. 
  4. The type of content they consume. When you can identify these things, you will be able to connect users who search the Internet with the appropriate solutions offered by your website.

It is worth noting that SEO is a two-sided coin, where the first side is knowing what users are searching for on the Internet, while the second side is presenting this information in a way that search engines can find and understand it so that they can deliver it to the user. How do search engines work?

We can liken search engines to an autoresponder, as they collect a huge amount of content, then organize and evaluate it based on thousands of factors until they determine the best content that will answer a specific question that the user asks when he searches for something on the Internet. Search engines are able to do this by exploring all forms of content available on the Internet (web pages, PDF files, images, videos...etc) through a process called crawling and indexing, and then arranging them according to their compatibility with the query. Which the user entered into the search engine through a process called ranking.

What are organic search results?

As we have already explained above, the Organic Search Results are the search results that appear to the user as a result of effective use of SEO / SEO techniques, and for which no sums were paid by the owners to appear on the results page. In the past, it was easy to locate natural search results. The advertising results were shown at the top of the results page, followed by 10 links to natural results. However, over time, the way results are displayed on search engines has changed. So how do you identify natural search results?

Today's SERPs contain more ads and dynamic organic search results (SERP features) in addition to the regular natural search results.

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QIQI sports is dedicated to producing the latest search news, the best guides and how-tos for the SEO and marketer community.
